Monday, August 10, 2015

Interview with Guts and Death

©Guts and Death

Summon the Roses had the amazing opportunity of interviewing the new band Guts and Death of ex - The KIDDIE members, Yusa, Yousei and Yudai. Enjoy the interview.

First let us start by asking, how did you come up with your unique band name Guts and Death?

Guts and Death sounds like “Gottsan-desu” in Japanese. It means thank you in Sumo wrestling language. We also love heavy metal, so we wanted it to sound like a brutal death metal band.

How did the three of you decide to form Guts and Death?

We still wanted to have fun together, after THE KIDDIE disbanded.

Right now you have your own Youtube channel, both Japanese and International. You have been updating it with a lot of funny videos. Who decided to create this Youtube channel with all these funny videos, what is the main purpose?

I guess I did. Since everyone uses YouTube, I thought it would be the best place to set ourselves. The main purpose is really to spread our music, and to reach out to the world.

All three of you came from The Kiddie which is a highly successful band. Guts and Death is very different from your original band. How did you decide to incorporate comedy with music?

 It’s not actually comedy. We’ve been doing stupid stuff everyday since back then, and it’s just that we decided to show the people out there, how we have fun in Tokyo.

 In the past where you always interested in filming funny videos and releasing them? Or did this idea happen all of a sudden?

 We’ve been filming a lot but we couldn’t show it to our fans mainly because our labels would stop us. haha.

You have a video that you are getting slapped in public. We love this video by the way!! Who came up with the idea of getting slapped by random people? Was it painful?

I think this was Yousay’s idea. It was painful but I guess we had more fun than just pain.

You have announced your first live performance. What can fans expect from this live?

We’ll be having guests from a lot of different bands, we might not just play our songs…it’s more like a party.

Who created your logo? Did you design it yourselves? 

Yusa did. He does all the artwork by the way.

Will you be releasing an official music video anytime soon?

Maybe yes maybe no. We might have to crowd fund for that.

Can you explain the concept on your music?

We do whatever we want to do.

 Who is the master mind behind all these videos? Who comes up with the craziest ideas?

 I guess I am.

 Who else is collaborating with you in these videos you have been posting on your official Youtube Channel?

 Tora from A9, Dasoku, comedians, and mainly our close friends are all in our video.

What reaction have you been receiving from your fans ever since you came up with this unique concept?

Some didn’t like it, but who cares…we want to do what we want.

Will you keep Guts and Death just three members or do you plan in adding a new member to the band?

Adding members….hmm...sounds great.

 Out of all your videos you have released, which did you have the most fun filming?

Real Splatoon was fun for sure.

 How about a tour with Guts and Death? Any plans of coming overseas?

No plans yet, but we’d love to. Please invite us!! Somebody!! We won’t need translators:)

 I am sure fans are anticipating a mini-album, do you have any information you want to share on that?

 We’re planning to release an app for iOS and Android which plays all of our music. Wait for the app!!

Finally, Do you have a message for your fans?

We love you all!! Hope to see you people out there.Peace!


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