Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Interview with QUM


Can you introduce yourself to the readers of Summon the Roses?

My name is Qum (pronounced koom.)I am a Japanese musician who is internationally known, well traveled and looking to expand my musical reach into many other countries around the globe.

Is there a life lesson you are trying to teach with your Eternity PV?

Yes, I want to tell you about the meaning of Love. I think a human’s life is too short so I want to you to find ETERNAL love. We don’t know what will happen in life, so please always love and cherish your special one.

How long did it take you record Eternity single?

It was really an extended amount of time. ETERNITY took about six months to complete the recording.

What is your image concept?

My image is close to peaceful, upbeat and of course, very cool!

What are some of your best qualities as an artist?

I feel I am very determined and a dedicated musician. Even though I am highly sensitive as an artist, I know I can push through all obstacles effortlessly with much vigor. This alone strengthens my resolve as a musician as well as helps my creativity in the long run.

What countries do you wish to perform in the future?

I have performed extensively in Europe, but would like to return for another tour as well as make my way to American soil and play as many states as I can. This is my dream, so please support us by purchasing our music for this to be possible! Thank you!

What motivates you when writing lyrics?

It is very easy for me to find motivation as I write all lyrics, it comes easily, like breathing. There is always inspiration all around.

Do you like playing a character in your music videos? Do you enjoy acting?

Yes, recently I noticed I really enjoyed getting into character in the MVs, I look forward to doing more in the future.

What about your support members? How do you collaborate with them?

The support members are also my friends in private as well, we support one another and get along well. They support my activity and me as well which allows me to relax and find further motivation when they are by my side.

Are you ever planning on forming an official band with your support members?

For now we are undecided because they too are doing side projects. For the time being, this is what works best for us.

You wrote  Christmas song that is very beautiful, are you planning on writing another Christmas song this upcoming holiday?

Thank you very much! Yes, I have already written two Christmas songs, one was uploaded last year, but I am waiting to release the second song sometime in the end of this year, please be looking forward to it!

What are your hobbies when you are not recording?

I like watching horror movies and MVs.

What are your ultimate goals?

I would love to gain more music experience so in the future I can perform along side on the stages of my favorite artists.

Do you have a message for your fans?

Thank you so much for your continued loyalty and support. I have many surprises for you in the near future. Please keep an eye out for my activity and please continue to support us, we promise you lots of cool things and great music! Thank you again and again to all my amazing fans, let's soar to the top together!


You can check out QUM's Eternity Full Music Video on Youtube! 

Summon the Roses would like to give a special thanks to QUM for allowing us to conduct this interview. 

©Summon the Roses

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